How do I increase my Google Search ranking without link building?

Link building is hard. I know they say it’s the main way to increase your search engine rankings and it is but it’s not the only way. Google has over 200 factors that affect their algorithm. So today I’m going to share you how to increase your Google rankings without building any links.

One of the main factors that affects rankings is user signals. If you do a search, let’s say you do a search for protein shakes and Google notices that everyone’s clicking on the second listing instead of the first listing, what are they going to do? They’re going to flip them around. Why? It’s because they’re using user signals. The user signals tell them what users prefer. If all the users prefer the second listing and Google keeps that listing at number two, what’s going to happen? Users are going to feel that Google results aren’t that relevant and they’re going to use another search engine.

So if you want to increase your rankings without building links, you can increase your rankings by creating a more appealing title and description. That title in that description that you’re seeing in organic results are made up through a title tag and a meta description. You can have your webmasters change those for you.

Now the way you want to create amazing title tags and meta descriptions are using phrases and words in there that people want to click you can do this by using words like get now, try, fast, free. You can also use phrases and words like the date. So a lot of times I use “updated in 2019” for my clients and it causes my clients to get more clicks than the listings above them. Eventually over a period of a month or two the listings climb up and it outranks their competitors.

If you’re unsure of what phrases to put in your title tag and meta description, Google the phrases you want to rank for and look for all the paid ads. See with Google AdWords, one of their main factors that determines where an ad should be placed is not only just the bid but it’s how appealing that ad copy is.

This is because if one person spends $5.00 per click with Google and another person spends $2.50 with Google, but the person who’s spending $2.50 gets three times the more clicks because their ad copies more appealing, Google’s want to place that $2.50 ad above the $5 one because they make more money right? One ad gets three times more the clicks that would be seven dollars and fifty cents versus five dollars.

You see, Google look at the total revenue amount. That means that person that’s spending two dollars and fifty cents which is at the top, typically has the more appealing ad copy. So when you’re looking at the paid Google results the ones at the top, typically have the best title and description. So make sure you use similar titles and descriptions with your free listings, so that way you can climb in the organic rankings.

That’s how you increase your rankings without building any backlinks. Do you have any other ideas to increase your Google search ranking for free?

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