What’s the SEO factor not too many of us apply?

If you want to improve your Google rankings, what do you do?

1. Build links
2. Improve your on-page SEO
3. Try to improve your user metrics

These are the three main things you can do. There’s another key strategy that can really help increase your rankings. Today I’m going to write about the effective ranking strategy that not too of us apply.

Go to Google Trends and see what was trending in 2018. You see, the more people that are googling a product by its name, the more people show Google, hey, this brand is popular. If a brand is popular, what do they do? They actually rank it higher.

Clever brands do this by generating more brand signals. They get more people to google their brand and to shoot up their rankings.

How? It’s quite simple. BMW might run a campaign on Instagram and Facebook which has a car under a dark maroon silk cover with a famous Hollywood actress holding up signs that says “What BMW model do you think this is?” When thousands and thousands of people see it, every single hour, it causes more searches.

That causes people to google the brand, click on the result, and it shows Google that hey, this brand is popular. When a brand is popular, Google naturally places it higher.

Now granted, if you artificially inflate your brand signals and it goes down afterwards, your rankings will drop as well. But if you can keep creating good content, video, audio, whatever it may be, offer an amazing product or service, people will keep coming back and typing in your brand name. That’s a key for longevity.

Here’s why they do this: Let’s say you take BMW and Mercedes. They both produce cars, but how should Google know which site to rank higher? Sure, on-page SEO? Maybe backlinks? Well, after a site has millions of backlinks, does it really matter? No.

But if three times more people type in one car brand over the other, it shows Google that everyone prefers a specific car brand, so it should rank higher for the term cars. That’s why brand signals are really important.

Continually try to build your brand. Don’t just optimize your on-page and off-page SEO, really focus on building a strong brand like BMW, Mercedes, MasterCard, American Express, VISA and Nike. When you do that, your rankings will also go up.

Do you know of any other factors that brands use to grow their ranking? Why not share on the comments below?

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