Content Engagement in 3 easy steps

You write all of this amazing content but how do you know people are really reading it? Well, the real way to know that people read it and enjoy your content is if they engage and leave a comment. In this article, I’m going to share 3 easy steps on how you can get more content engagement.


1. Conversational Tone

The first thing you need to do is write in a conversational tone. I know I’ve covered this in other articles but it’s really important. Think about a university lecture. If your professor is really boring and he just rambles on, what are you going to do? You’re going to fall asleep. But if he creates a conversation with you you’re much more likely to engage and respond.

The way you create a conversation is use the words you and I. So when you use the words you and I, within your content, it creates a conversation and it encourages more people to leave a comment.

2. End with a Question

Step number two is always ask a question at the end of your blog post. So when people are done reading your blog post what do they do next? Well if you leave a question for them they’re much more likely to give you an answer.

If you don’t leave a question at the end they’re not going to leave a comment because they don’t know what to do next. By you leaving a question at the end, it tells them that they need to leave a comment.


3. Subheadings

Step number three is to make sure you use subheadings. People skim content. We’re using subheadings within your blog posts like you see in this article. What people will do is they’ll go through your content quicker. Because they can go through your content quicker, within a few minutes they’ll be able to understand the gist of your blog post. They’ll figure out if they want to engage with you and leave a comment or share it on the social web.

So in conclusion, that’s really it. It’s those three things – you write in a conversational tone by using the words you and I. You end your content with a question. Third, you make sure you use subheadings so people can skim your posts.

Sure, you can try to do things like share it on the social networks to try to get more comments. You can try to use tactics like using facebook comments versus your normal blog comments. But I found that none of them really impact how many comments that you’re going to generate versus the three that I mentioned. What do you think?

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