5 Facts about Corporate Blogs Everyone Thinks is True

You have a business, you see other people out there blogging within your space, so what do you want to do? You want to blog, right? That’s the natural thing. Today, I’m going to share how to set up your corporate blog correctly.

1. It’s About Helping People (Not You)
The first thing you need to do is figuring out what you want to blog about. It’s not just about blogging about your product or service. If you do that, no one’s really going to read your blog.

But if you write about the problems that your ideal customer’s facing and how they can solve those problems, and some of it may be around your product, that’s fine, people will then read your blog. It’s not about you, it’s about helping people.

2. URL
The second thing is the URL. So whatever your blog is, you want to use WordPress and you want to set it up as yourdomain.com/blog. The reason you want to this over a subdomain, is subdirectories rank better than subdomains.

Search engines like Google treat subdomains almost like a separate site. If your main site is already doing somewhat well, your blog is going to do better quicker just because it’s a subdirectory versus a subdomain.

3. Voice of Blog
The next thing you need to do, once it’s set up, is you need to figure out who’s the voice of the blog. Is it going to be many people? Is it going to be one person? Well, whoever it is, they should have their bio on the site.

Just because you’re a brand it doesn’t mean that the person who’s writing the post shouldn’t have their photo within the blog post, and a little snippet that talks about themselves, as well as maybe even a link to their Twitter or Facebook profile. You should showcase their photo and one or two lines explaining who they are and what they do within the company.

4. Create Rules for Writers
Now that you have your staff writers, and yes, you can do one or you can have many. If you do many, that’s fine, just use different authors. You can set them up within WordPress, it’s really simple.

Within the users profile tab you can just continually add authors. Put in a username, put in an email for that person and then, they’ll get notified that they have a WordPress account, and they can go in and then just start writing.

From there, you should create a rule-book on what people should do when they’re writing their content. If you don’t give them rules, you’re going to have people writing all different kind of things.

5. Be Regular
When you’re creating your corporate blog, you have to crank out a lot of content. Ideally, three posts per week. If you do one, it’s not going to be too effective. One at minimum, but don’t do one every two weeks or anything like that.

It has to be at least one a week, if not, three times a week, and you don’t need to do more than seven times a week. The moment you get over seven times a week, that’s just too much content. Start off slow, and then increase from there.

In conclusion, if you follow these tips and give it time, six to twelve months, you’ll start getting results. You have to be patient as with Google it’s a long-term play. Did you find the strategies listed in this article helpful? What are some of your favorites ways to set up a corporate blog post?

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