Wish Google just told you how to get more traffic?

Don’t you wish Google just told you how to get more search traffic? Today I’m going to share a few tips on how to get more search traffic using Google Search Console.

1. Find your list of keywords
The first thing I want you to do is login to your Google Search Console. Next click on performance, from there you can end up seeing your traffic stats the way Google sees it.

Next click on pages. When you click on pages you get a list of all the pages that are driving you search traffic right in order from the most popular to the least popular.

Now click on a page that you want to increase the search traffic for and you’ll get a list of the traffic that’s just for that one page. Then click on queries and then you’ll see a list of all the keywords that drive search traffic to that page.

2. Integrate keywords to your content
Now that you have that list, the second thing you need to do is go into the blog post or web page that’s getting all that search traffic and integrate those keywords within the content.

Remember, you can’t just stuff your article or your web page with these new keywords that you’re not already included within your page. To get more search traffic you’ve got to update your content and make it more thorough, more detailed and naturally blend in those new keywords.

If it’s not natural, you won’t do well and people will see that you’re just stuffing keywords. They’re going to bounce right off your webpage and it’s going to hurt you.

3. Add keywords to Title Tag and Meta-Description
The third thing you have to do is also add those keywords or at least the main ones within your meta-description and your title tag. That way Google knows the main keywords you’re trying to focus on. A few ways to create amazing title tags and meta descriptions can be found in my article here.

Last but not least you then want to take that page and submit it within Google search console. You can add the URL submit it right away and that tells them hey crawl this page because it’s updated and update the search results with this new page. Once you do that, within a week or two weeks at the latest, you should see an increase in search traffic.

That’s all you have to do if you do. With that all your popular pages will get more search traffic from Google. Do you have any more Google Search Console tips? Would love to hear them in the comments below.

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